
Originally from New Orleans, Richard L. Weil graduated from Louisiana State University, and Loyola Law School in New Orleans, and has been in the active practice of law in New Orleans since his graduation. Knowing his love for music and his ability to instantly compose and sing a great song off his cuff, his wife suggested one night in August, 2004, that he should go to Nashville to pursue a music career.  Labor Day, 2004, they headed to Nashville.  Richard has been working on his music career since then.  Following Hurricane Katrina and the loss of his property and things in New Orleans, Richard moved into his river camp in Nashville and began concentrating on a career as a solo artist and recording star, while still maintaining his practice of law.

Working at Cumberland Studio in Nashville, Tennessee, Billy Anderson has produced the songs that Richard selected. Richard's mission is to bring into contemporary times the music that shaped the lives and times of the baby boom generation, the songs with meaning that cater to the good in life, doing the right things, following ones conscious for the greater good of all.

Richard has released seven albums in total, including poignant political satire, rock and inspirational songs from the 60's and 70's, to his release "World War II- My Father's Letters" which are letters taken from his father's magnificent collection of World War II letters his father wrote home, daily, from June, 1942 until December, 1945.